Category: News
Trade Exhibition in the COVID-19 world
For those participating in international commerce, trade shows and conferences are a necessary part of working life.
COVID-19 Virtues
These current COVID times have us all living in a new way, very much akin to the introduction of the industrial revolution, personal computers, the internet, and social media.
Racial Discrimination: What can you do about it?
Since the beginning of this year, there has been a steady stream of reports on COVID-19 related anti-Asian racism incidents in Australia.
Introduction to WACCC Senior Vice President – Tony Chong
In the third article of this series, we introduce our Senior Vice President, Mr Tony Chong.
AGRIFresh: Successful WA Agricultural Enterprise
AGRIFresh is one of Western Australia’s largest family-owned and operated orchard. Its 300ha orchards are located in the central west region of Dandaragan, 200 km north of Perth City.
Introduction to Chamber Sponsor: Squire Patton Boggs
Squire Patton Boggs (“Squire”) is a top 10 global law firm, with headquarters in the US. It has 45 offices worldwide, and is represented all across Asia, including China (Beijing and Shanghai), Singapore, Seoul and Tokyo.
Introduction to Chamber Sponsor: Arcadia Group
In a new series of articles, we will introduce major Chamber sponsors and supporters, starting with the Arcadia Group.
COVID-19 Pandemic Visa Changes
Jason Raftos is a Barrister who practices primarily in the areas of employment law, industrial law, discrimination, migration and safety. In this article, Jason introduces the recent visa changes in response to the COVID-19.
How COVID-19 is Impacting Higher Education
Professor Hadrian Djajadikerta of Edith Cowan University reviews the impact of COVID-19 to the Australian Higher Education Sector.
Introduction to WACCC Council Members – Cheech Foo
In the third article of this series, we introduce our newest council member, Mr Cheech Foo.