Wednesday Networking with Maggie Jiang
Wednesday Networking is a platform for members and non-members to meet different people, be exposed to new ideas and thoughts, develop new relationships and foster existing contacts.
Our speaker, Maggie Jiang, is a leading academic in Western Australia. She is the Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Western Australia (UWA), which specialises in Chinese language teaching, cultural training and increase mutual understanding. She is also an associate professor at the UWA Business School.
Maggie will present findings from her research on “Consumer Nationalism and Multinational Companies”, and discuss her role in leading UWA Confucius Institute.
Public Health Advice
The Chamber supports and adheres to our State Government’s Public Health and Social Measures. We request all attendees to our Wednesday Networking event to observe the following guidance:
- Do not attend if you are unwell, or are subjected to isolation protocol
- Wearing of mask welcomed but not mandatory
Note: These Public Health and Social Measures may change from time to time, to comply with the latest advice from the State Government